Saturday, August 30, 2008

Peanut butter. Banana? NO! Peanut butter! OK, Banana.

Dinner @ Counter in Santana Row
.5/.5 Fries/Onion rings....................................$5
Chocolate-Peanut butter milkshake.......................$5
Getting a chocolate-banana milkshake
&& asking for a chocolate-peanut butter
milkshake again...........................................-$5 and higher tip amount
Getting a chocolate-banana milkshake brought again...PATHETIC.
"You got your shake, right?" -- "NO"... "OK, we'll bring one right out..."

----We never did get our god damn chocolate peanut butter milkshake

Me sick :(

i got sick yesterday. i pooped all over the place. daddy had to use a big loud dog (sounded like 'wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo') to clean it up. sorry daddy. i lick you.

i will be fine but today you took me to get checked up just in case...i lost a little weight but its ok i will eat lots and gain it again. sorry for being so crazy in the waiting room -- theres lots of odd smells and i have to smell them all. and those small doggies with lots of fur that have a weird bark that goes 'meoowww' are scary.

i dont wanna go back there. there was a big dog that looked like daddy (i cant bark like him)there and he poked my tummy and put a beeping stick in my butt! i dont like him :(

I can't get anything wedding related done...AARG!!!

So, I had a whole list of wedding-related tasks to accomplish this weekend, the first and foremost of which was selecting our invitations.

I've looked and looked, and there aren't many places in our new area that are open on weekends. WTF???

We made an appointment with someone for noon today, and waited for a good 20 minutes for them, and no one showed. Several hours later we get a message that says he's still there. We got the message too late because when we called the guy wasn't at the store anymore. Apparently we went to the back door and there was a front door. But when we called none of the phones were answered. We rescheduled for next weekend.

I am seriously going to kill someone with this wedding drama!! WE CAN'T GET ANYTHING FRIGGIN DONE!!!

GRRRR!!!!! @#$%^*&$#!@#$!@#$%#$%&*(*^$#%*^$">&$#!@#$!@#$%#$%&*(*^$#%*^$#!*&

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Wow, today was a hot one. One of the hotter days this summer, they say. ~105 around lunch time, 97 at 5pm, and now it's just around 77 (feels warmer).
It's a good thing that the first day in CA we realized that a sun shade for the car is an absolute necessity...getting into the car and being able to touch the steering wheel without getting burned feels good for a change. Next step -- window tints...supposedly the internal car temp goes down by as much as 20'.

Dinner with Cisco new hires to finish off the day, and Bender and I are off to sleep.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

OK, OK, I made one too!

Seeing my sister start a blog made me, for some reason, feel the urge to do the same. We'll try and keep it updated once in a while with San Jose events & occurences.

Unfortunately, no pictures from the trip yet, as we can't find the power cord from the laptop that has Photoshop installed (no, can't post raw unedited/untouched images ;)) and the PC has not been set up yet either.