Saturday, August 30, 2008

Me sick :(

i got sick yesterday. i pooped all over the place. daddy had to use a big loud dog (sounded like 'wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo') to clean it up. sorry daddy. i lick you.

i will be fine but today you took me to get checked up just in case...i lost a little weight but its ok i will eat lots and gain it again. sorry for being so crazy in the waiting room -- theres lots of odd smells and i have to smell them all. and those small doggies with lots of fur that have a weird bark that goes 'meoowww' are scary.

i dont wanna go back there. there was a big dog that looked like daddy (i cant bark like him)there and he poked my tummy and put a beeping stick in my butt! i dont like him :(

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Awww, poow bender :( I miss you puppy...
This one was hillarious :)