Wednesday, August 27, 2008

OK, OK, I made one too!

Seeing my sister start a blog made me, for some reason, feel the urge to do the same. We'll try and keep it updated once in a while with San Jose events & occurences.

Unfortunately, no pictures from the trip yet, as we can't find the power cord from the laptop that has Photoshop installed (no, can't post raw unedited/untouched images ;)) and the PC has not been set up yet either.


Sophia, Emil, Karina & Sasha said...

Aah, your bigger sister does have an influence on you...
We miss you guys, but know you're having a great time out in the sunny CA. Hope to see some of those pictures soon. Now lets see if you, the developers, can beat my design!!!

Dima K. said...

We're not WEB developers :)

Personally, I do not enjoy web design at all.

Unknown said...

great idea on the blog.. this way we can check up on you once in a while! :)
